even I can not find what I want now. I would like to share to my worth visitor.
1. btemplates.com
2. eblogtemplates.com
3. freetemplates.blogspot.com
4. freeblogger-templates.blogspot.com
5. www.pyzam.com
6. www.finalsense.com
7. http://www.blogcrowds.com
8. bloggerbuster.com
9. blogtemplate4u.com
10. jump2top.com >> Wordpress
11. seo-adsense-themes.freehostia.com >> wordpress
12. ourblogtemplates.com
13. isnaini.com
I will add more when I find any one else
Enjoy your blog template
I have been looking for blogger templates. Thanks for the sharing.
I've played with some templates but haven't used them. My advice is to have in your own mind what you want eg organise your page like a magazine layout, then search to see what's available to the closest match.
Like a needle in a haystack Blogstar.
Can you recommend some
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